What You Need to Know About LASIK

What You Need to Know About LASIK


LASIK is a refractive surgery that is used to correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. It works by reshaping the cornea to correct these problems. LASIK is also known as laser eye surgery, laser vision correction, or laser eye surgery.

Postoperative discomfort

Several medications are available to help alleviate postoperative discomfort after LASIK surgery. Most patients take a prescription pain reliever immediately following surgery, though some may also take over-the-counter medications. Patients are also given eye shields to wear to protect their eyes and to keep them clean and unobstructed. These should be worn as directed. Prescribed lubricating eye drops are also given to prevent dryness and aid in the healing process. Both of these should be taken on a daily basis.

Patients who experience postoperative discomfort after LASIK should not rub their eyes too much. This can lead to more complications and could make you feel debilitated. In addition to applying lubricating eye drops and taking pain medication, patients may apply soft ice packs to their eyes. It is also important to rest your eyes and avoid eye strain. 실버 렌즈삽입술


There are a number of potential LASIK complications. These may be temporary or long-lasting, and can interfere with your quality of life. These complications can range in seriousness from a slight glare to corneal scarring and vision problems. Some complications are treatable while others may require a follow-up surgery.

One of the most common LASIK complications is neuropathic pain. This pain is due to the tiny nerves that run through the cornea. These nerves are critical to the health and safety of the cornea. Unfortunately, during LASIK, these nerves are cut. Because they never grow back normally, they cause phantom or unbearable pain. This type of pain is common among patients after LASIK, and it can even lead to blindness.

Another LASIK complication is corneal ectasia, which causes the cornea to bulge outward. This complication occurs in people with thin corneas, and is caused by the hereditary eye disease keratoconus. It can cause irregular astigmatism or nearsightedness and is difficult to correct with glasses or contact lenses.

Recovery time

Recovery time for LASIK varies depending on the type of eye surgery. It can range from a few hours to a few days. Afterward, patients can return to work or their regular activities. Although recovery is not complete until the third day, patients can typically expect their vision to improve significantly and experience fewer side effects than before surgery. Some patients may experience eye discomfort and watering for a few days after the surgery. They can also expect to experience fluctuating visual acuity for up to six months.

Most patients can return to work within a day or two of the procedure. However, it is important to avoid any type of contact sports or activities that may cause damage to the eye. Patients should also avoid wearing eye makeup for the first few weeks following surgery. It is also important to wear sunglasses when outdoors to reduce sensitivity to light. It’s also important to avoid strenuous physical activity for at least a month after the procedure.

Qualifications for LASIK surgery

To be a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery, you need to be healthy and have stable vision. You also need to be free from eye conditions and infections. Specifically, you need to be free from corneal disease, keratoconus, and certain retinal and optic nerve diseases.

If you have good vision but are having trouble seeing distance, LASIK may be the perfect treatment. If you are unsure of whether or not you are a good candidate, contact your eye doctor and schedule a consultation. LASIK surgery is available to adults who suffer from farsightedness and nearsightedness. However, older patients who are suffering from presbyopia (a condition caused by progressive lens elasticity loss) are not eligible for the procedure.

In a LASIK procedure, a doctor will reshape your cornea. This thin layer of tissue covers the eye and enables light to focus on the retina. The procedure is quick and painless. You should be able to wear contact lenses during the healing process. 라식수술

LASIK costs

There are many factors that affect the price of LASIK eye surgery. Increasing demand for the procedure and a limited supply can drive costs up. In addition, facilities with more experience and better equipment can charge more. Some surgeons also have better reputations and can charge more than others. LASIK costs aren’t always included in health insurance plans. Despite the costs, many patients prefer LASIK over other, cheaper options.

Although the cost of LASIK surgery can vary by surgeon, the general trend has been upward in the past decade. State-of-the-art lasers and other innovations have driven up costs significantly. In addition, about 50% of surgeons now use the “one price” pricing model, which is often considered a more convenient and transparent way to price laser vision correction services.